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Useful, entirely frivolous, well designed, badly designed, addictive games, fitness trackers – you name it.Īpps perfectly complement the web lots of us access the internet more frequently by phone than desktop, especially when it comes to social media. Is there anything there isn’t an app for? Whatever operating system you are using, there will be tons of apps to download for your smartphone.

dead link, page deleted)ĥ01 – not implemented error, for instance if a server is not responding or overloadedĩGAG – platform for uploading and sharing user-made memes, gifs, images and videos, upvoted or downvoted and can be commented upon Do not Google.Ĥ04 – a not found error, when server cannot find content (eg. Photograph: 4chan/Strike WitchesĢ048 – widely successful sliding block puzzle game for web, iOS and AndroidĢ Girls 1 Cup – something you should never ever watch, and definitely NSFW. 4chan was originally set up to share manga and anime.

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