Gingers gay bar brooklyn

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The advent of South Slope, extending southward from 9th Street, has jarred the boundaries of Park Slope, although most people consider the neighborhoods to overlap-think of South Slope as the West Village to Park Slope’s Greenwich Village, except in this case the subset is the poorer neighborhood (relatively speaking, in both cases). Speaking of which, Park Slope is bordered on the north by the Barclays Center and Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues, 4th Avenue to the west, Prospect Park West on the east, and (depending on who you ask and how long they’ve lived in the neighborhood) 9th Street, 15th Street, or Prospect Avenue to the south. Like many of Brooklyn's more upscale neighborhoods, Park Slope was recovered from decline by community-minded working class residents, and it retains the character of a tight-knit community even as it battles the now widespread influx of bourgeois bohemians and the ensuing rise of property values. Ginger's is located in the Park Slope neighborhood of Manhattan. Use the arrow buttons to navigate down the street and around the neighborhood!

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Drag the street view to look around 360°.

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