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Ken about the fancy dinner, but Ralph interjects and says that Drew does not respect him and is insatiable. Ken come over for a house call to discuss their trainwreck of a relationship. Is she afraid she will lose her control over Todd if he has something of his own?ĭrew and Ralph have Dr.

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Please note: Kandi is surprising me with the fact that she is uncomfortable with Todd keeping this place. She sees this condominium as a regift from his other girlfriend and does not want to visualize the debauchery that went on and continues to in this place. Kandi is not feeling this idea, and she would rather stay in a hotel and be able to mess it up. Todd wants to use this trip to be able to show everyone he owns real estate. Kandi and Todd discuss the play in New York and how she is really trying to fill the theater. Marlo surmises that Drew is just trying to deflect since her own house is a total mess. The topic of Drew comes up, and Sheree thinks Drew is just trying to be “extra” in her life.

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Tyrone might be able to come since it is in his 100-mile radius.

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Sheree shares that Tyrone is trying to come to New York to see her.

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